GENIUS! New 'SILO' Funnel System Gets Clients Like a Gold-Gushing Geyser... GUARANTEED!"

GENIUS! New 'SILO' Funnel System Gets Clients Like a Gold-Gushing Geyser... GUARANTEED!"

Could your business use a high-powered funnel capable of producing 6 to 7 figures per year?

Do you have a training course (or perhaps one in mind) but not getting the results you want?

Would you like to have multiple offers for your business all working for you while you sleep?

Do you think lead magnets or a trip-wire offer are the way to go?

Or maybe you just need a webinar...

Or a sales page...

Or a coaching program...

Or a mastermind...

Or a membership program...

Or are you just overwhelmed and uncertain because of all the ways you COULD grow your business?

Are you wearing entirely too many hats causing you to get less done than you should?

If you said "yes" to any of these questions, we may be able to help...

Hi, Matt Stefanik here the Lifestyle Architect and Co-Creator of The Great Calling.  Thank you for watching.

I've been a full-time self-employed entrepreneur for the last 18 years and along with my lovely wife Amy Stefanik, author of "The Untold Story of The Entrepreneur's Wife," we've managed to do this all while raising our 3 beautiful children from home.

During this time, I've generated millions of dollars for myself, customers, and clients and I've also lost it all...twice!

Over the last 8 years I've learned and implemented just about all things digital marketing.

I've had thousands of students who have bought my products, courses, masterminds, coaching, and consulting.

I've had several JVZoo "Product of the Day" offers...

I've had numerous six-figure product launches...

I've landed on dozens of affiliate launch leaderboards...

I've done multiple six-figure webinars...

I've also been fortunate enough to speak at marketing events all around the world including in Las Vegas, Atlanta, Tampa, on a cruise to Cozumel, in Tokyo, Japan, Montreal, Quebec, and London, England.

And now, I want to use my wealth of experience and expertise to help you achieve similar results in a fraction of the time it took me.

Ever wonder if creating a sales page to offer a low-ticket item is the way to go so you can generate leads and then upsell them later?

This is a "top-of-funnel" strategy in what's called the "Customer Ascension" Model and while we have had success with it in the past, it is incredibly time-consuming, labor intensive, requires several touch points, multiple funnels, an extended "customer nurturing" process over several months, as well as numerous moving parts, dozens of automated email sequences, AND...

Then there's the traffic numbers game. 

Should you use Facebook ads, Instagram, YouTube ads?...

Whatever your traffic source, you need to get a thousand highly targeted eyeballs to your low-ticket offer sales page, so that, if you're lucky (or good), you'll convert maybe 15% of them into 150 buyers, of which perhaps you can get maybe get 45 (or 30%) to later take you up on your middle tier offer.  From them, you might be able to get 10% (or 4 to 5 people) to fully "ascend" to your highest ticket offer. 

For most, these numbers are ideals they could only hope to split-test up to.

And what about your back end?  You've got to make sure you're properly segmenting all of your incoming leads, routing all of your customers based on the actions they take or don't take, and have all of your automated sequences in place so that each contact gets the correct email at the right time.

It's a lot of moving parts, I know.

But if you can afford several thousand dollars in ad spend and have the time and patience...

To continue to test and tweak...

To further optimize every part of your sales process and multiple funnels...

To improve your messaging, and all of your offers...

You can improve these numbers eventually to lower your CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) and increase your ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) to create more net profit over time.

But what if I told you there was simply a better way?...

A way that allowed you to make multiple offers...

All at the same time...

Utilizing ONE powerful sales funnel...

Allowing you to streamline your business, simply your processes, and make MORE money while working less so you can finally free up your time and enjoy your life and family more?...

Would you be interested?

What is this "better way" you ask?

We call it the SILO Funnel Method and it has completely revolutionized our entire business.

Here’s a diagram detailing what this new funnel structure looks like:

The SILO Funnel itself is everything inside of “1.)”  with parts 2-4 only added AFTER our core funnel is set up and running.

Adding a webinar offer (2.) and subsequent evergreen webinar (3.), as well as the additional lead magnet (4.) are components that we add in later as additional ways to drive traffic into our main SILO Funnel.

And right now, we're looking for 5 to 7 business owners that are ready to eliminate the stress, hesitation, overwhelm, and uncertainty by working with us to help save them time, money, and hassle to get it right the first time.

Is that you?

We’ll brainstorm and strategize with you to custom tailor the perfect offer structure for your SILO Funnel regardless of where you are currently with your business. 

Then, we’ll build it all for you.

Here’s what you’ll get:

• 4-Page SILO Funnel:

 — Landing Page

 — Application Page

 — Booking Page

 — Confirmation Page

• Footer Menu/Links

• Abandoned Cart List and Email Sequence

• Your autoresponder connected to your funnel

• 2 forms created in AR for LP/APP

• Power Ad written for SILO LP

• Custom graphics as needed

• VSL Script for LP

And when it’s finished, you’ll now have your very own SILO funnel you can use to start generating high-ticket clients and customers for your business faster than you ever thought possible.

It’s not cheap, but we guarantee it pays for itself within 30 days or we’ll buy it back from you!


If so, let's continue this conversation.  I want to hear more about you and your business.

I invite you to take 5 minutes right now and submit your application and schedule your call.

I cannot wait to speak with you.

All you need to do right now is simply enter your name and email address below and we'll see you on the next page. 

To Your Success!

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